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cFolders Additional Access

When accessing tech data in cFolders you will sometimes encounter Lock icon . This icon indicates that additional access permission. This additional permission normally required when a large OEM (ex: Lockheed, Boeing, Colt) has designed a component part and is permitting the government to have others manufacture the item. The notice will be printed in red as in the example below.
Click on the "locked" material group to see the required permission. In this example, in addition to the Lockheed permissions, there is an Export Control authorization requirement. If you have the Joint Certification Program certificate (see JCP info here) then  Export will be "Granted"

To get the missing authorizations, click on the authorization name.

Click on the documents and follow the instuctions on the form.

In general, the requirements for these agreements seem to be concentrated in areas of aircraft parts and firearms. The one we see most often is the Boeing Rights Guard. This is an annual agreement. It is useful to proactively submit this before you find that you have a need for it. Usually within 24 hours of submitting an Access Request, you will receive an email from DLA advising that your cFolders record has been updated to reflect your elevated access level.
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